The bad: Several features that most users take for granted in any app are not present in Google's PDF viewer. Remove the search bar, and the app smoothly goes back to how it looked before. Searching is an example: the search bar takes up a small amount of room at the top, the on-screen keyboard takes up the bottom, and the middle third of the screen displays results in the PDF itself. It is also extremely well-designed, making the best possible use of screen real estate. Move your phone onto its side or read on a tablet, and the app will handily adapt, usually displaying two pages at once. The good: It is optimized for both landscape and portrait viewing. It's fast, obviously, but for such a simple app, there's a lot to nitpick in Google PDF Viewer's interface.
As the name implies, this is a viewer and not an editor, and it makes no attempts to be the latter and it is not like any other free online PDF tool. If your device is connected to a printer, you can print a PDF's contents as well. While it's doing this, you can read, search and copy text.
On reasonably recent phones or almost any Android tablet, the app can handle PDFs of virtually any size. The app only slows down when running on an older phone and displaying a PDF of great length.
The main advantage of Google PDF Viewer is that it is fast.
The app fits almost entirely on one screen, and automatically loads whenever you open a PDF, whether it's from your Downloads folder or via another app. It provides an easy way for phones and tablets alike to view PDFs. Google PDF Viewer is a free application, released by Google, designed as part of its Android for Work initiative, and optimized for the Android mobile platform. Dinkar Kamat Updated 3 months ago PDF viewing at its simplest